Episode 139: Hettie Brittz

Hettie Brittz joins me for today’s episode. She has been married to her husband for 25 years and they have three kids (2 teenagers and one in college). She is also a speaker, author, and a foremost voice in parenting advice and personality styles. She is from South Africa but is currently residing in the United States. She has created a course to help people understand how they are wired and codeveloped the Tall Trees Profile which helps parents understand their child’s temperament.

I have to say that this was one of my favorite conversations. There is something vulnerable about it. I have a great desire to understand myself better and to understand my children better. We have a conversation about how understanding how you are wired will help you parent better; how working with traumatized kids helped her see how understanding temperaments was the key to helping unlock the heart and she unpacked the different temperament types. She said, “When you understand what our kids need, we get the motivation to parent.” What we talked about gave me so much hope. I felt understood. And I started to understand my girls better. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did. 


Survival Kit:

  • Stopping once a day to look around and celebrate what you have instead of focusing on what is left to do

(Amazon affiliate links used when possible--purchasing through these links is an easy way to support the show. Or shop using www.SurvivingSarah.com/amazon and a portion of the what you buy will go back to the show.)

Connect with Hettie:  Facebook // Website // twitter // Ministry

Takeaways From Our Conversation:

  • What is the difference between temperament and personality? Personality is what we show to the world. Its like what grows above the ground and how they express their design in the world. Temperament is like how the root system nourishes what grows above the ground. Its your God given soul DNA. It doesn’t change. Its a clue to where that path is leading.

  • Tall Tree Profile Types:

    • Boxwood tree - introvert, you can prune them into any shape you like, boundaries, rules, want to know what’s expected, what’s right and wrong

    • Pine Tree - introvert, takes stress away, bring peace, stubborn in a quiet way, thinkers more than doers or talkers, like being spectators rather than participants, they don’t want to be alone, but don’t want to be on center stage

    • Palm Tree - extroverts, people, fun to be had, living life full, bright side, resilient, optimism, also in discipline too, not easy to bend and shape

    • Rose Bush - extroverts, don’t want to be cuddled, grown up before one, tantrums first, strong willed, don’t need a mom, thorns, pride, competitive, achieve

  •  I asked if there were certain types there were more difficult to work together. She said, “That depends—do you want to grow or have it easy. When temperaments clash there are opportunities to grow.” Mic Drop. That has been shifting the way I see conflict in our house. 

Discussion Questions

  • Do you ever feel like motherhood is not in your strengths?
  • Hettie talked about how having no control in parenting was the most difficult thing. What has been the hardest thing about motherhood for you?
  • Knowing what causes burnout, what is one thing you could do this week to help with that?
  • What is one area of emotional intelligence that you could flex in your own life?
  • If you have taken a personality or temperament profile, what were your results? How have you seen these take shape in how you parent?
  • What does burn out look like for you in motherhood?
  • How can you give your child what they perceive as love?
  • How do you handle conflict? 
  • What is something that really stood out to you about this episode?
  • If you have taken the tall trees profile, what were the results? What surprised you?
  • What is one thing you can do to help love your child based on their profile?

What did you enjoy about this episode? What was your takeaway. Let's continue the conversation  on Instagram or Twitter or you can send me an email here

Thank you for following along life with me. I love being apart of your day. And as always, I hope this show helps you survive a little easier.

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My goal each week is to encourage you to survive in this very thing called life. If you were encouraged or inspired or entertained, head over to iTunes and leave a brief review with a 5 star rating.

Here is a recent one from "Kati Snody". She said, “I like to think Sarah is like my soul sister. I see so much of myself in her and I am so thankful that she brings this show into our ears each week. I look forward to her weekly shows with anticipation because you never know what kind of show you are going to get. Sarah is delicate, funny, honest, raw and all around a beautiful person"

Your review will help get the podcast in front of new listeners who are just like you looking to know that they aren't alone in life. Thank you for being awesome!


Episode 138: Elizabeth Grace Saunders

Elizabeth Grace Saunders joins me today from my new kitchen table. Our family moved into a new rental home back in July and it was fun to record the inaugural episode around my kitchen table in the new house. Elizabeth is an internationally recognized expert on effective time management and the founder of Real Life E Time Coaching and Speaking. She joins me today to talk about the idea of divine time management which is all about aligning yourself with God's heart. We talk about why we feel guilty for resting; where to start when it comes to organizing our day; why we tend to say yes to everything; and advice for how to prioritize our time during a busy season.

Elizabeth Grace Saunders.png


Survival Kit:

  • Walks by the water

(Amazon affiliate links used when possible--purchasing through these links is an easy way to support the show. Or shop using www.SurvivingSarah.com/amazon and a portion of the what you buy will go back to the show.)

Connect with Elizabeth Grace:  Facebook // Website // twitter

Takeaways From Our Conversation:

  • When talking about the struggle of doing more or being successful and feeling anxiety around that, she said that she felt like God was saying to her, “You just make me happy for being you.”

  • 3 part strategy to figuring out where to start when you feel overwhelmed:

  1. Get connected with God - that gives us perspective. “God doesn’t ask us to be successful. He just asks us to be obedient and walk with Him." 

  2. Declutter your schedule. Take a macro level look at what’s going on in your life right now; Lay out what are your commitments/activities; Then look at what is most important. Be careful about what you say yes to. 

  3. Day to day. Ask God what he wants you to do today. Do those things and trust Him with the rest.

  • How to prioritize your time in your busy season:
    1. Be proactive
    2. Have clear communication and have things laid out - have a weekly calendar and monthly calendar with expectations of what’s going on; look ahead at your week. Look at your fixed expenses (work, school, etc) and your disposable time income.

Discussion Questions

  • What do you do to rest?
  • Have you ever felt guilty for resting? 
  • What false expectations or lies drive your inability to rest? 
  • In what ways is your worth tied to what you do or don’t do?
  • What is making you feel overwhelmed currently?
  • What do you think holds you back from trusting God when it comes to what you do?
  • What is something you are trying to control rather than trust?
  • Based on this conversation, what is one thing you can do this week with what was discussed?

What did you enjoy about this episode? What was your takeaway. Let's continue the conversation  on Instagram or Twitter or you can send me an email here

Thank you for following along life with me. I love being apart of your day. And as always, I hope this show helps you survive a little easier.

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Did you enjoy today's conversation? Rate the podcast.

My goal each week is to encourage you to survive in this very thing called life. If you were encouraged or inspired or entertained, head over to iTunes and leave a brief review with a 5 star rating.

Here is a recent one from "Kati Snody". She said, “I like to think Sarah is like my soul sister. I see so much of myself in her and I am so thankful that she brings this show into our ears each week. I look forward to her weekly shows with anticipation because you never know what kind of show you are going to get. Sarah is delicate, funny, honest, raw and all around a beautiful person"

Your review will help get the podcast in front of new listeners who are just like you looking to know that they aren't alone in life. Thank you for being awesome!

Episode 137: Melanie Dale

It’s that time again for another crossover episode with my good friend, Melanie Dale. And if you are new to the show and haven’t heard one of these episodes you are in for a treat! Each month, Melanie and I sit down and have a conversation about a topic that we are both surviving and that we could lighten up about. So one part is here and the part of the conversation is on her show, Lighten Up with Melanie Dale. So be sure to hop over there when are you are finished listening to this one.

This month we are talking about going back to school. Can you believe summer is over??? We talk about our favorite grades growing up, being our kid’s advocate at school, tips on how to relate to your kids’ teachers in non-overbearing ways, how we handle homework and first day of school traditions. 


(Amazon affiliate links used when possible--purchasing through these links is an easy way to support the show. Or shop using www.SurvivingSarah.com/amazon and a portion of the what you buy will go back to the show.)

Connect with Melanie:  Website // Instagram // Facebook // twitter // Podcast

Discussion Questions

  • What helped you survive this summer?
  • What was your favorite grade growing up and what did you love about it?
  • What do you look forward to about school starting? What do you dread?
  • If you had a hard year in school, share about it what made it hard and what helped (or could have helped)?
  • Have you ever had to be your kid's advocate at school? What helped you navigate that?
  • What are your best tips for connecting with your kid's teacher without being overbearing?

What did you enjoy about this episode? What was your takeaway. Let's continue the conversation  on Instagram or Twitter or you can send me an email here

Thank you for following along life with me. I love being apart of your day. And as always, I hope this show helps you survive a little easier.

A new episode every Tuesday... just subscribe.

Subscribe for free on iTunes or Stitcher or your favorite podcast app so that you don't miss out on great conversations with women just like you. Women who are surviving and thriving. You don't have to do life alone. Be inspired, encouraged and entertained by women like Sandra Stanley, Shannan Martin, Jamie B. Golden, Mo Isom, Annie F. Downs, Joni Lay from Lay Baby Lay, Christy Nockels, Kay Warren, Suzanne Stabile and many more.

Did you enjoy today's conversation? Rate the podcast.

My goal each week is to encourage you to survive in this very thing called life. If you were encouraged or inspired or entertained, head over to iTunes and leave a brief review with a 5 star rating.

Here is a recent one from "Tricia865". She said, “I have loved every episode I’ve listened to so far. I feel like sarah is always talking to incredibly relevant, intelligent and awesome people with very relevant and helpful topics. There really is something for everyone here. I’m so addicted that I’ve started going back in time and listening to all the old ones.”

Your review will help get the podcast in front of new listeners who are just like you looking to know that they aren't alone in life. Thank you for being awesome!

Episode 136: Heather MacFadyen

I am so excited to welcome Heather MacFadyen to the show today. You likely know her from the God Centered Mom podcast. She’s been hosting that show for 5 years! If you don’t know her already, she’s a mom to 4 boys. We talk about fears that we have and how fear is the root problem to other emotions we have like anger; we talk about guilt and shame in motherhood and what to do when shame is driving your identity. 


Survival Kit:

(Amazon affiliate links used when possible--purchasing through these links is an easy way to support the show. Or shop using www.SurvivingSarah.com/amazon and a portion of the what you buy will go back to the show.)

Connect with Heather:  Instagram // Facebook // Website // twitter

Takeaways From Our Conversation:

  • “Not a rejection. Its a direction."
  • "Its hard to change our feelings but we can change our thoughts."
  • Heather said 3 words: feeling, thinking, acting. When you feel an emotion rise up like anger for example, at some point during it or after ask yourself: What do I feel? What am I thinking? How do I act? I think that most of us are used to be reactionary people. But if we want to get to the root issue then we need to do a little work. Such good advice from Heather today.

Discussion Questions

  • What is your favorite summer survival hack?
  • What are some things you did or do as a family that has become a fun tradition?
  • What type of fear do you tend to wrestle with when it comes to your kids of those closest to you?
  • In what ways has motherhood revealed not so pretty things about yourself?
  • How are you tempted to deal with the pain that comes up in life?
  • How can you remove yourself as mother out of the equation—to not take it personal? 
  • Where do you feel guilt in motherhood?
  • How has shame defined what you believe about yourself?

What did you enjoy about this episode? What was your takeaway. Let's continue the conversation  on Instagram or Twitter or you can send me an email here

Thank you for following along life with me. I love being apart of your day. And as always, I hope this show helps you survive a little easier.

A new episode every Tuesday... just subscribe.

Subscribe for free on iTunes or Stitcher or your favorite podcast app so that you don't miss out on great conversations with women just like you. Women who are surviving and thriving. You don't have to do life alone. Be inspired, encouraged and entertained by women like Sandra Stanley, Shannan Martin, Jamie B. Golden, Mo Isom, Annie F. Downs, Joni Lay from Lay Baby Lay, Christy Nockels, Kay Warren, Suzanne Stabile and many more.

Did you enjoy today's conversation? Rate the podcast.

My goal each week is to encourage you to survive in this very thing called life. If you were encouraged or inspired or entertained, head over to iTunes and leave a brief review with a 5 star rating.

Here is a recent one from "Kati Snody". She said, “I like to think Sarah is like my soul sister. I see so much of myself in her and I am so thankful that she brings this show into our ears each week. I look forward to her weekly shows with anticipation because you never know what kind of show you are going to get. Sarah is delicate, funny, honest, raw and all around a beautiful person"

Your review will help get the podcast in front of new listeners who are just like you looking to know that they aren't alone in life. Thank you for being awesome!

Episode 135: Dr. Caroline Leaf

I am so excited to share this conversation with you. Dr. Caroline Leaf sat down across the virtual kitchen table with me a few months ago. She is a is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist. Since the early 1980s she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health and the formation of memory. She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input. She has helped hundreds of thousands of students and adults learn how to use their mind to detox and grow their brain to succeed in every area of their lives, including school, university and the workplace.

Her passion is to help people see the power of the mind to change the brain, and to see the link between science and spirituality through controlling their thoughts and emotions, learning how to think and learn, and finding their sense of purpose in life. 

You guys I was so nervous to talk with her because she is just so very smart. I felt like I would be out of my league, but Dr. Leaf is truly delightful. And as we talk, its evident that she has a huge heart for people to have hope and life change. Did you know that when we as Jesus followers talk about taking thoughts captive that science actually backs that up? What we talk about over the next 30 minutes is fascinating. We talk about the connection between science and faith, how you have the power to turn on your brain in order to get rid of toxins, the science behind captivating your thoughts, how to change your mind and how to help our kids learn to change their thought patterns. I loved this episode and hope you do, too. 


Survival Kit:

  • Her relationship with her husband and grown children
  • Organizing her time and thoughts

(Amazon affiliate links used when possible--purchasing through these links is an easy way to support the show. Or shop using www.SurvivingSarah.com/amazon and a portion of the what you buy will go back to the show.)

Connect with Dr. Caroline Leaf:  Instagram // Facebook // Website // Podcast // YouTube // twitter

Takeaways From Our Conversation:

  • I think one thing that stood out to me was how reactionary I’ve been when it comes to my thinking. I rarely use my mind the way she spoke of—to think about why I’m feeling this way. And to get to the root of it. I want to do some self-evaluation. I’m going to ask myself this question and maybe you want to ask yourself this, too: Where am I being reactionary with the way I think? And once I have that list, I want to go through and see how I can begin to think different or plan different so that I can react different.

  • I have realized that I've created long term toxic memories surrounding social media. I need to change the way I treat social media. I usually start my day by looking at my phone, but I want to stop that. 

  • Science is telling us how we function and the bible is stories. Science explains how the stories work and God is the source of it all.

  • There is a direct link between what you are thinking and what happens in your body estimated that 75-98% of disease is related to some sort of thought pattern.

  • What toxic thinking or bad habits do you want to quit or good habits that you want to start?

    • 7-16 minutes for 21 days

    • 21 days to build a long term memory

    • 63 days to build a habit - something to use to change your life

    • body works in cycles of 21 in healing (body and mind)

  • Thinking is so important because it determines your future. When you are being unkind you are damaging your brain. That's a huge realization!

Discussion Questions

  • What was something that surprised you about the conversation?
  • How can understanding the power of the mind give you hope that the way you think change change?
  • If we are naturally wired to think well, feel well and choose well, what is something that you can tell is unnatural in how you think?  
  • After listening to Dr. Leaf, what is something that can to mind that you tend to be more reactionary in your thoughts? 
  • How could you take time to be more self-aware and self-regulatory about those thoughts?
  • Thank you for following along life with me. I love being apart of your day. And as always, I hope this show helps you survive a little easier.

  • What toxic thinking or bad habits do you want to quit or good habits that you want to start? (This can be as simple as deciding to not look at your phone for first hour of the day.)

  • Dr. Leaf said, "When you are being unkind you are damaging your brain." What do you think about that statement?

  • What is something that you want to choose to think about?

  • Dr. Leaf said, "You can’t control the events and circumstances of your life but you can control your reactions." Where am you being reactionary with your brain?

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Did you enjoy today's conversation? Rate the podcast.

My goal each week is to encourage you to survive in this very thing called life. If you were encouraged or inspired or entertained, head over to iTunes and leave a brief review with a 5 star rating.

Here is a recent one from "Kati Snody". She said, “I like to think Sarah is like my soul sister. I see so much of myself in her and I am so thankful that she brings this show into our ears each week. I look forward to her weekly shows with anticipation because you never know what kind of show you are going to get. Sarah is delicate, funny, honest, raw and all around a beautiful person"

Your review will help get the podcast in front of new listeners who are just like you looking to know that they aren't alone in life. Thank you for being awesome!

What did you enjoy about this episode? What was your takeaway. Let's continue the conversation  on Instagram or Twitter or you can send me an email here