Friday Finds
We all have our little quirks--things that make you totally you. Yesterday, my husband helped put away the clean dishes and as he fumbled (self-admittedly) through finding each dish's location in the kitchen (I have failed him as a wife), he quickly realized my beautiful/neurotic quirks in the kitchen. Like how the purple & pink bowls go behind the white & green bowls. When questioned, I said because its prettier this way (please note that these bowls reside in a closed door cabinet. bless.) So I have some tendencies towards crazy. As I thought about my Friday Finds post, I found myself organizing my thoughts with statements like... "What I'm reading" "What I'm wearing" "What I'm wanting" and so on. I'm neurotic and beautiful. So let's just go with it.
- What I'm reading: For The Love by Jen Hatmaker. Loved every word of this book. It felt like I was reading a conversation with myself inside my head. You will laugh, you may cry and you will have deeper breaths that help you face yourself, your people, your husband and your world better. Read it.
- What I'm wearing: I bought a green utility vest last April and it has been my favorite purchase to date. It is so versatile and is an easy piece to add in order to make an outfit look different. Here are a few inspiration ideas to get you thinking (you can find more ideas on my style board:

- What I'm wanting: I am helping a friend decorate her house and one of the inspiration pieces is this rug. I have always leaned towards neutral rugs, but lately I've found myself wanting that style of rug paired with white walls and light furniture. Glory.
- Where we're going: This September, we will celebrate our 10 year anniversary in California. We fly into San Francisco, but will spend most of our time in Big Sur and the Carmel/Monterey area. Our good friends went there this past spring, so I've been spending some reading over her blog posts about it here and here. If you have any suggestions, shoot them my way!
- What I'm listening to: There are two things I want to share with you. One, is Silento's song, "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae). I want you to stop reading and google "learn Watch Me Whip Nae Nae". Spend a few happy minutes learning this dance. I promise you will feel better. Next, I have been binge-listening to The Popcast with Knox and Jamie. You guys, this is wonderfully funny and will keep you up to date on all things pop culture without having to purchase US Magazine. They will help you form opinions about things that matter--like how Brandy is responsible for the Kardashians or if Taylor Swift is the anti-Christ--in order to survive small talk at parties. You're welcome.
- What I'm watching: Since new TV hasn't started, I'm cruising my way through a class--Gilmore girls. I started watching this when Sinclair was born when it was in re-runs so this is my second or third time watching it all the way through.
Hope you guys have a fantastic weekend! We have great friends coming in town today from Tennessee and I can hardly wait to see them!