Friday Finds

Is it just me or do these weeks seem to fly by? I swear it feels like I just wrote last week's Friday Finds. I don't know if its my age or the fact that I am a mom of some crazy human beings, but I seriously cannot remember one day from the next. Last weekend, we rearranged half of our small rental home. I'm gonna work on putting together a post about it. If you have checked out our Ocoee house tour then you have seen how big that house was (5oo0 sq ft), and we now live in a 1800 sq ft home. Definitely less space. We love it and feel it all the same time. Without further ado, here are my picks for this week.

* This was seriously the best news I heard all week. The Gilmore Girls will be streaming on Netflix starting Oct 1. We may need to get together, drink coffee and watch this. As you know, my Little is named Rory. Scott's uncle is named Rory and we love naming kids after family members but it was a total BONUS because we I love Gilmore Girls.

(Mitchell Haddad/The WB)
(Mitchell Haddad/The WB)

* Tuesday night, I had the fun opportunity to hang with some girls in Atlanta--a chance to feel more like a human being and less like a servant mom (mostly because I was out and about after 7:00pm. I always forget that people eat past 5:30!) We watched this documentary. Ya'll, I ate a hamburger with peanut butter on top. I love burgers and peanut butter but never imagined putting those things together.

* I think you may need some serious eye candy for your weekend. Sherry is one of my favorite designers and she is local. I have a feeling that how she is on her blog is how she is in person. I would seriously love to clone everything she designs and cram it in my house. Check this post out. Here's one pic to wet your appetite.

(design indulgence)
(design indulgence)

* I read this post last night... all about how you evaluate your values over your emotions. Good stuff.

* I started working again back in August so I drive almost an hour to work one day a week which could be annoying but I am in my car ALONE so all is right in the world. I listened to this message on fear (titled: Fear Must Fall). "Our giants diminish God's glory. We say Jesus isn't big enough to deal with my giant. His name is bigger than your giant." (Louie Giglio) He talks about the common fears we face: anxiety, worry, stress and terror. I highly recommend getting in your car alone, go for a walk or lock yourself in your closet with a notepad to listen.

* I'm gonna write a post about the different apps with use with our kids, but for now check out this one. A teacher friend recommended it for my girls.

Have fun this weekend!