Friday Finds

Happy Friday, ya'll! We woke up to a rainy morning here which turned out to be perfect. After dropping off Rory at preschool, I decided to do something I never, ever do. I played hooky. Seriously though. I never even played hooky in high school or college. I cancelled my chiropractor appointment because something "came up" and went home. I made a pumpkin chai tea latte and watched the Gilmore Girls. It was good for the soul. Sometimes it's just good to stop. There was nothing pressing for me to do. Nothing I needed to accomplish. But maybe you are like me and suffer a little mom guilt if you ever stop and do something like that. It's like I worry that someone will bust me sitting on the sofa at 9:00am doing nothing. I fear that people will assume that I am good for nothing. Let's all agree to not worry about that. Overachievers, let's unite! Maybe that should be your assignment to complete before next Friday. Okay? Without further ado...

* I've mentioned my friend here before but I think you'll like her fall uniform. Isn't it funny how we tend to have uniforms? What's your go-to uniform?

* And speaking of style, I'm crushing on this and this

* If you read blogs or get sucked into Pinterest like I do, then you have probably seen lots of people talk about decorating for fall. I am seriously the worst seasonal/holiday decorator in the world. I currently have 3 pumpkins on my porch and that my friends is success. If you are a reluctant or slow seasonal decorator like me then you can be inspired here.

* I did pin this a couple of weeks ago to find motivation inspiration to decorate my porch. Again, 3 pumpkins reside on my porch steps. Sigh.

* And keeping with all things fall, one of my favorite blog people designed some custom fall clip art. If you are into that sort of thing, you will LOVE this.

* I fully plan on trying this recipe soon for a Two-Minute Pumpkin Pie!!

* I stumbled upon this fabulous wallpaper on Instagram today on my friend's page. You guys, this is so pretty. I would love to put it in a half bath! I have a friend who is buying a new home and looking for wallpaper. This will definitely be on my suggestion list.

* And lastly, my husband texted a picture of this t-shirt to me and asked if he should buy it for me. Um, confession. It's totally true.

Here I am trying to write this post while both girls are home after school on a Friday. What was I thinking? This picture was taken in-between meltdowns/fights. I'm on countdown until the Man comes home. I need reinforcements! Seriously, though, they were screaming at the top of their lungs at each other 30 seconds before this picture.

the girls
the girls

Love you guys! Have a fantastic weekend!