Jingle Jam plus GIVEAWAY

One of my absolute favorite things during this season is listening to Christmas music. It stirs up such emotion in me--I am immediately be transported back to when I was a young girl and in charge of the record "playlist" to listen to while decorating our tree (yes, I'm that old). Fast forward thirty years and my girls are the exact same way however as a parent trying to survive parenthood, I would like to NOT listen to the chipmucks sing Jingle Bells. If you are in the same boat, then I've got good news for you! The creative people at Orange with Amber Sky Records have created a perfect solution. It's their new Christmas EP called "Jingle Jam" and it's available NOW on iTunes!

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JingleJam_SMgraphic_500x500 (1)

This is Christmas music that families will love. You can play in your car, as you decorate your tree or in your church environments. Get ready 'cause your kids will want to DANCE. So take this moment and turn it into a fun dance party around the tree.

To celebrate the launch of JINGLE JAM on iTunes, Orange is giving away some iTunes gift cards! Holla! Here's what we got:

- one $25 iTunes gift card

- one $50 iTunes gift card

- one $100 iTunes gift card

If you want to participate, all you need to do is hop on social media!

To enter: Tweet, Facebook, or Instagram about the launch of JINGLE JAM! Every post equals one entry. And don't forget to mention


in your posts so we can keep track of your entries!

Simple, right?

To recap:

1. Write a few posts on social media about the launch of JINGLE JAM

2. Tag


3. Cross your fingers and toes.

4. Get your dancing shoes on.

5. Orange chooses three winners!

Every post counts as one entry into the contest. And entries are unlimited! So get busy. Entries will be received until 11:59pm (PST) tonight, December 4. We'll announce winners tomorrow - Friday, Dec. 5.

So help us spread some Christmas cheer about JINGLE JAM!

And don't forget to tag


so we can track your entries.

Merry Christmas!