Meal Plan (gluten free, dairy free) March 16-20

It is Monday again and I realized that I haven't posted our meal plans in a couple of weeks. Sometimes I feel like I am sprinting to catch up on life. Do you ever feel like that? Spring sprung and things became busy. The girls started soccer a couple of weeks ago. They are too cute in their attire. Sinclair is rather polite in the game and Rory has yet to play. She enjoys practice but completely refuses to play in the game. The weather has been glorious lately in Atlanta so we decided to have friends over for dinner after soccer.

soccer girls
soccer girls

Sunday - Grilled chicken (marinated in olive oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, glaric cloves, S&P, dash of paprika. I just estimated on everything.) + roasted sweet potatoes & onions + guacomole & chips & sweet peppers

Monday - leftovers with salad. Something about eating this salad on a fun paper plate made it feel more like summertime. I'm weird.

grilled chicken salad
grilled chicken salad

Tuesday - BBQ chicken. I put a few chicken breasts (just over a pound) in the crockpot and poured BBQ sauce from Trader Joe's on top. After 4 hours on high, I just pulled the chicken apart with forks. We ate it on top of baked potatoes and a side of roasted broccoli (Rory's favorite these days).

BBQ chicken crockpot
BBQ chicken crockpot

Wednesday - leftovers

Thursday - Italian Chicken in Crockpot. Honestly, we didn't love this recipe. I think in theory it seems great but something about the smell and taste didn't sit well with me.

Friday - I was going to eat leftovers but just couldn't do it. So breakfast for dinner instead.

Saturday - I picked up a Rotisserie Chicken + green beans + rice from Whole Foods

I hope this gets your wheels turning for what to eat this week.