Missing In Action

Have you ever arrived at your destination only to have no clue how you got there? You drove the car, but can't recall the turns you made. Has that every happened to you? That is kind of how I feel today. I can hardly believe how long it's been since I last talked to you guys. Forgive me for my unexplained absence. Life simply took over. I'm pretty sure that May turned out to be busier than the Christmas season. I arrived at June 7 and have no recollection of how it arrived. Let me try to give you a snapshot of the last couple of months for us.

  • Scott and I went to Cambodia. I really should post about our time there, however, that feels like it happened about 8 months ago. One of Scott's clients is an organization that built an ENTIRE city for a displaced people group. How amazing is that? Clean water? Check. New infrastructure? Check. Market? Check. Homes? Check. The list goes on. This was a three year process of building so we went for the celebration of the completed city. I've loved that we have been apart of such an endeavor.
  • Not sure if you know this about me, but I work for an organization called Orange. We  want to give kids a better future, one where three things happen: wiser choices, stronger relationships, deeper faith. We basically create resources for the people that lead people. We train and influence those who influence the next generation. I was brought on last summer to help launch their new middle school curriculum called XP3 Middle School. This has certainly been a labor of love and I must say that the finished product is really exceptional. I spent March, April and May buried in deadlines trying to birth this curriculum.
  • The girls both had dance recitals. Rory did ballet and tap while Sinclair did hip hop (takes after her mom). These dances were amazingly cute.
  • Rory graduated from preschool! #cheers I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I really can't believe that she is going to Kindergarten.
graduation preschool
graduation preschool
  • Sinclair wrapped up the First Grade. My baby is going to second grade. There are no words. And I'm pretty sure I have tapped out on math homework which is completely pathetic.
  • I have been helping some people decorate their houses in my spare time ;-) It has been really fun and challenging. I love pulling together rooms for people and helping them figure out how to love the home they have. I will show you some idea boards in the coming weeks of what I pulled together for them.
  • miniture golf
    miniture golf
    beach fun
    beach fun
    albion fit swim suit
    albion fit swim suit
    dolphin tale
    dolphin tale
  • We went on a family vacation to Florida the day after Sinclair got out of school. The girls got to fly on an airplane for the first time EVER. The past two years we have vacationed on Memorial Day weekend. Will someone please make a note to remind me NOT to vacation on that weekend? It is always crazy crowded. We had a fantastic trip despite our first night at a horrific hotel/motel. You guys, it was so bad that it was comical. Think about the movie Summer Rental and you have seen what we experienced. Thankfully, the Lord shined His light on Scott and we booked a new condo in Clearwater Beach. I wore a new swimsuit from my favorite place, Albion Fit. They have incredible style and comfort for swimsuits. 
  • clearwater beach, fl
    clearwater beach, fl
    • Sinclair celebrated her 7th birthday. I can't even believe we have made it to seven. I decided to throw her a party which turned out quite beautiful. I am all about simple parties because I am simply NOT crafty. Each girl brought her favorite doll and we made bracelets for dolls and girls, had a photo booth (made of tablecloth and accessories from Hobby Lobby) and Gluten Free/Dairy Free cake from Gluten Free Cutie (the best cake ever!) with popcorn and festive popsicle drinks. I followed the Nestor's instructions for a simple yet fancy drink. I scored major cool points with the girls.
    birthday party
    birthday party
    fancy drinks
    fancy drinks
    • And now, we are at the beginning days of summer where the weeks are long and the days are even longer. Survival is definitely on the agenda. I saw this picture and quote of Bill Murray on Pinterest last night and it really resonated with me. I have actually been talking to Scott about how I need to RELAX more. I need to cut back on my agenda and schedule and plans and simply relax. I need to allow our kids to relax. To some, that may come easy, but relaxing has never really been my jam.
    Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 8.30.14 PM
    Screen Shot 2015-06-08 at 8.30.14 PM

    Bill Murray said, "The more relaxed you are, the better you are at everything: the better you are with your loved ones, the better you are with your enemies, the better you are at your job, the better you are with yourself." I really do think he is on something here. Maybe we could call this my half year resolution. RELAX. Maybe, just maybe, that is a key to surviving summer.