Episode 1: Holly Lauren

Surviving Sarah episode 1 is with my friend, Holly Lauren. Holly is a writer, wife, and mom of 2 young girls who lives in Atlanta, GA. She has a smile that is contagious and exudes a energy that makes you feel like you matter. And I am so excited that she is my first guest on the new Surviving Sarah podcast.

On today's show, we talk about surviving our strong-willed girls who don't like to sleep and what is looks like to have babies and still pursue your dreams. Holly started actively pursuing her writing dreams when she had a newborn rather than waiting for her kids to grow up. What she said really encouraged me to go after the dreams that I have (like this podcast). She quoted, "Believe the unlikely is possible." That was the phrase that motivated her to start writing and pursue being published even though the moment was unlikely timing. She also told us about her 3-part Genex Saga including Tempus, Expertus, and newly released, Veritas. These would make great christmas gifts!  I loved hearing what is in her survival kit these days--baths, YouTube exercise videos and having a friend who can say "me too."

Here are links from the show:

Her blog post about believing the unlikely is possible

Burst Training Videos: Fitness Blender YouTube channel and here

Her books: Genex Saga Tempus, Expertus, and Veritas

Connect with Holly: Twitter  // Instagram // Blog

Thanks for listening to the show! I can't tell you how much I appreciate that you shared part of your day with me. I have been waiting for this release day for months. I would L O V E it if you would go over to iTunes and give the show a review--that will help others find Surviving Sarah.