Episode 14: Jessica Satterfield
Jessica Satterfield joins me for Episode 14. I met Jessica a few months ago and she is one of the nicest, most genuine people I know. I am so glad that I sat down at her table. She is a first grade teacher by day and blogger by night over at Grace While We Wait.
We talk about her struggle through infertility and how they came about adopting their two children. Her story has parts of despair but also great hope. and She shares how adoption changed her life.
Survival Kit:
- Worship Music from Bethel Music, Lauren Daigle, Amanda Cooke, Shane and Shane
- Sara Hagerty Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet
- Essential Oils
- Starbucks French Roast coffee
- Blacklist
- Argon Magic Hair oil
- Trader Joe's coconut body butter
- Community - you need your people
Currently Reading:
- A Loving Life by Paul Miller
- Breathing Room by Leeana Tankersley
Links to Jessica: website // Instagram
Has infertility ever made you feel like a failure as a woman or a wife? If yes, then you will relate so well to Jessica. In the darkest time, God held her. And if you are a friend to someone who is hurting from infertility, you will also hear about how to help a friend who is hurting. When life is less than you imagined, you can choose to lean in or to lean away from God. When it doesn't make sense, choose to lean in, to trust, to believe that God is good and kind. Something I glean from her is that there is beauty in the brokenness. God is not done writing her--or your--story.
And lastly, thank you for giving your most prized possession to me--not your firstborn--but your time. It means the world to me. Be sure to subscribe to the show so that you never miss an episode. Come find me on instagram @sarahwbragg and let's connect! I hope this show helped you survive a little easier today.