Episode 54: Lauren Haun

Lauren Haun joins me for Episode 54. She is just a gal like me and you except the fact that in my book she appears to be more like super woman bounding from building to building because she has 6 kids—3 biological and 3 from China. We talk about why she chose adoption after having 3 kids, how to cultivate relationships between kids and how she learned to trust God.

I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Lauren. Her story truly is amazing and crazy and wild. Whether you have walked through adoption or not, I feel like her journey of learning to let go and trust is very applicable to all of us—no matter what stage of life you are in. Maybe you are waiting on a job. Maybe you are waiting on a husband. Maybe you are waiting for a child. Maybe you are waiting for God to provide financially. She said, “@@Its not what I can do. It's watching God work@@.” I am there. Sitting and waiting. Waiting to see what God does and how will He work. God is working in the waiting. He hasn’t forgotten us. And hopefully, we are allowing the pain of waiting to strengthen our muscles so that when the time is right, we will be ready. And just like Lauren said, you my friend, are loved and spoken for.


Survival Kit:

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Takeaways From Our Conversation:

  • When faced with unclear steps or when God seems silent, @@God is working in the waiting@@. It was in the waiting that God was preparing her to trust and know without a doubt that this was what they needed to do.
  • God is your provider. Say yes and follow.
  • I was truly challenged with their diligence to pray about what the Lord wanted them to do and their resolve to wait.
  • The reigning theme through her life and adoption is that @@we are loved and spoken for because of what Jesus did on the cross@@.

What did you enjoy about this episode? What was your takeaway. Let's continue the conversation  on Instagram or Twitter or you can send me an email here

If you follow me on Instagram, then you may have noticed that I’ve been wearing a dress everyday in December. That’s because in January I interviewed the founder of Dressember, Blythe Hill, about how a dress can change the world. You can listen to that episode here. I’ve joined forces with thousands of women around the world to raise awareness and money for IJM and A21 as they fight against human trafficking. I would love it if you would consider supporting. You can donate here.

Thank you for following along life with me. I love being apart of your day. Merry Christmas! Remember, I am always here for you on iTunes in case you need to escape your family for a few minutes. And as always, I hope this show helps you survive a little easier.

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