Episode 60: Jami Amerine

Jami Amerine joins me for Episode 60. She lives on a ranch in West Texas with her husband and children. Jami really is a mom for all women because she has 7 kids ranging from a 17 month old to one getting married. She is a blogger at SacredGroundStickyFloors.com and a soon to be published author.

We have a candid conversation about why they chose foster care and adoption, her journey to truly believing Jesus, and how we can learn to do brave things. So pull up a chair to my kitchen table and join the conversation.

I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Jami. When we were chatting, it was like I bolded the following phrase in my head that Jami said: @@Believing God is the catalyst for doing brave things@@. @@When you believe that God is for you, that He loves you and that He makes you capable, then you can do brave things@@. Not only do I want to be a brave person, but I want our kids to do brave things. Brave doesn't mean that you aren't afraid. It means that you do something even though you are afraid. What are you currently afraid of? What do you feel like God is asking you to step into or out of? The catalyst for doing that brave thing is to start believing God.


Survival Kit:

  • Truth - believing God
  • Coffee

(Amazon affiliate links used when possible. Don't forget to use SurvivingSarah.com/amazon when shopping for any of your amazon needs.)

Connect with Jami:  Instagram // Website // Twitter // Facebook

Takeaways From Our Conversation:

  • Stepping into foster care and adoption was something they did because they wanted to rewrite their story. They wanted their kids to see who they said they would be. I love the idea of this. If you could rewrite your story, who would you be and what would you do?
  • She had and IF/THEN Jesus theology. If she did all the right things, then Jesus would do all the right things. She wouldn't face harm. Yet, that was the opposite of what happened. She was afraid of God after walking through so many tough circumstances. God is not mean. He is all good. While we were helpless, Christ died for us (Romans 5 ). All of us have sin--our sin looks different--yet we were all helpless, Christ died for us. Where sin increased, grace increased all the more.
  • We should be people of restoration. She talked about how maybe her view of foster care should focus on the families. Maybe her mantra should be that we are for the families.
  • @@We don't need our kids to be self-sufficient for their righteousness@@. If there's never a moment of brokenness, then why would they ever call out to God. We try to protect our kids and control everything so that they don't have to suffer through like we did, but this stuff is just part of their walk to make them His own. @@God is writing a story on our kids lives@@.

What did you enjoy about this episode? What was your takeaway. Let's continue the conversation  on Instagram or Twitter or you can send me an email here

A big thank you to Surviving Sarah sponsor, Flourish + Co. Are you a mom who thought she'd find her purpose in motherhood and didn't? Are you a woman who at the end of the day is really just feeling unfulfilled and unsure of what the next best steps are for you in life? Are you one of the 60% of women who doesn't know her purpose?

Then, friends, please know that there is no shame--only celebration in recognizing this and do yourself and those around you a favor and contact Katie Crocombe the founder of Flourish + Co. She is a professional life coach and will partner with you to uncover your unique purpose, help you set grace-filled goals, hold you accountable, challenge you and help you say no to just good so you can say yes to the best.

Just for Surviving Sarah listeners, she is offering 10% off all coaching packages that are booked in 2017 and if you book before Feb 28, then you receive an additional $100 off the purchase. Click on the image below and it will take you directly to her contact page--mention the show and she'll take it from there! 

Thank you for following along life with me. I love being apart of your day. And as always, I hope this show helps you survive a little easier.

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