Episode 64: Kayla Craig

Kayla Craig joins me for Episode 64. She is a journalist turned stay at home mom, is married to a pastor and together they have four kids under the age of 6. So she's not busy at all. We talk about the book she wrote, Just Really Joseph, her new podcast called UpsideDown, and a lot of motherhood like why they chose to adopt, parenting special needs kids and the importance of having a form of acceptance knowing that whatever God calls you to that you are enough. 

I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Kayla. I loved every bit of it. I loved her advice that she would give to another mother who is parenting a child with special needs. It was about accepting where God has placed you and know that you are enough that you are their advocate and that He has picked you to parent that child for a reason. That is great advice for me as a parent as I parent a strong willed child. Or maybe for you its a job. Often times we don't feel enough or adequate, but Christ is our adequacy. He enables us. There is freedom that comes when accept our role or circumstances. 


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Connect with Kayla:  Instagram // Website  // Facebook 

Takeaways From Our Conversation:

  • Sometimes we can see God’s refining work in the middle of things. @@God is polishing us to reflect Him more@@. It helps me to remember that truth.
  • How can the church partner better with parents of special needs? "Love their kids for who they are despite who they want them to be." Just be an extra set of hands. 
  • Remind each other of the freedom we have in Christ. @@You are enough in Christ for whatever He has called you to do@@.

What did you enjoy about this episode? What was your takeaway. Let's continue the conversation  on Instagram or Twitter or you can send me an email here

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