Episode 67: Kay Warren
Kay Warren joins me for Episode 67. If you don't know her already, she is the co-founder of Saddleback Church, a pastor's wife and an advocate for people living with mental illness, HIV&AIDS and for orphaned and vulnerable children. You quickly can tell that she wants to be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.
I wanted to chat with her about surviving the death of her son and also surviving as a pastor's wife. We talk about signs of mental illness in your kids, what its like being a parent of a child who suffers, practical ways the church can do to change the conversation about mental illness and suicide and her advice that every pastor's wife needs to know.
I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Kay. This was one of the easiest conversations to have and listen to even though the topic is not an easy topic. And I think that says something about Kay's nature. I am truly thankful for the role that she and her husband played in my life and ministry. And it was an honor to have her on the show.
- Kay's book Sacred Privilege
- Saddleback Church
- American Foundation For Suicide Prevention
- National Alliance on Mental Illness
Survival Kit:
- Beauty in nature
- Holy Longings by Ronald Rolheiser
- Never Caught by Erica Armstrong Dunbar
- My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers
- Piano
- Milton's GF sea salt crackers
- Great British Baking Show
(Amazon affiliate links used when possible. Don't forget to use SurvivingSarah.com/amazon when shopping for any of your amazon needs.)
Connect with Kay: Instagram // Website // Twitter
Takeaways From Our Conversation:
I hope that we all can play a role in changing the language and conversation around mental illness and suicide. It's easy to be dismissive of mental illness, but let's come alongside those who suffer and be a place of safety and hope and encouragement. @@We can be a personal sanctuary to people who suffer from mental illness@@.
Her advice about self-care is very helpful. Control the controlables. Let's look at the areas of our lives that we can control and make sure that we are taking care of ourselves. Our family and ministry will benefit.
I had no idea that children as young as three could suffer from mental illnesses. Be a student of your child. Be attentive. Be their advocate. If something seems off to you, then contact your pediatrician.
If you or someone you love suffers from mental illness or suicide thoughts, please take comfort in knowing that as a Christian, @@nothing can separate you from the the love of God@@. Nothing can snatch you out of the hand of God.
What did you enjoy about this episode? What was your takeaway. Let's continue the conversation on Instagram or Twitter or you can send me an email here.
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