Episode 71: Sherri Dickens

Sherri Dickens joins me for Episode 71. She is the blogger behind Rage Against the Mom Jean. She was a tomboy as a child who grew up to love fashion. I loved hearing about how she got to be where she is today. And I discovered that she grew up in the foster care system and because of that a deep need to care and help others was birthed in her.

We also talk about how to dress for every stage of life, how to model love for yourself in front of your kids and some very practical tips when it comes to fashion.

I always enjoy these chats that land on some practical advice about fashion. If you follow me in Instagram, then you know that I am all about trying to inspire and encourage you to love the creative side of getting dressed. In fact, if you want to follow along, I would love for you to post a picture of what you're wearing and use #SurvivingStyle Let's be a tribe of women who encourage each other in an area where most of us feel insecure.


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Connect with Sherri:  Instagram // Website  //  Facebook // Twitter // Snapchat @sherridickens

Takeaways From Our Conversation:

  • I really enjoyed talking about authenticity and the struggle for perfectionism--especially in regards to social media. The best approach is to plant your roots in what is true. Then, when you scroll through images, you have a deep well of truth to pull from when the temptation rises to compare yourself or to feel less about yourself.

  • I loved talking about how when we were kids our creative self then still comes out now. Your creativity is fluid. It can morph and change.

  • @@God can use your past in your present and your future@@. I loved hearing about her adoption out of foster care and it is easy to see how God used that experience to give her a passion to help others.

  • I loved our conversation around appearance. For her, she chooses to do things that challenge her in order to shift from appearance to strength. 

  • Is there anything that you're doing to help build the right thinking in regards with your daughter? @@Look in the mirror and tell your body, "I love you because you are strong."@@ Remind yourself that you are beautifully and wonderfully made.

  • Trusty stores to shop from: Nordstrom, Anthropologie, Free People, ASOS, H&M

  • Fashion obsessions: anything fringe, white booties

  • Fashion trends that need to die: wedge hightop sneakers & mom jeans

  • Save vs Splurge: save on trendy items like white booties; splurge on denim or leather jacket

What did you enjoy about this episode? What was your takeaway. Let's continue the conversation  on Instagram or Twitter or you can send me an email here

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