Surviving Summer Part 2

i'm not sure how it happened but school started last week. i dreamed about this day--the glorious day when i could drop off my wild child in the arms of someone else for a few hours. it seemed like something to be imagined yet just as I had hoped, the first day of school arrived. you see, raising little people is about survival with me. let me just be perfectly honest. i am no hero in this department. i dream of being a crafty mom who loves every minute with her people. the kind of mom who puts on Facebook how much she loves her kids and wants them to be at home all the time. no, its survival here. there is a fantastic invention that gets me through most days--the bunn coffee maker. brews a pot of coffee in under 3 minutes. bam! i have a picture behind that coffee pot that says, "all i need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of jesus." who's with me? i wrote a post a couple of months ago about surviving summer. it was like i wrote that post when i was a mere adolescent. so innocent. so naive. like the people who have no kids and so willingly give parenting advice that they practiced on their dog. i was hopeful; ambitious; happy. then over the course of the next couple of months, i army-crawled my way across the finish line of summer. it dawned on me what summer is like. you see, to me summer is a lot like moving. we have moved a lot in my adult life. in my married life alone, we have moved 7 times in our 9 years of marriage. and with each move, i think about the next one. i research. i pin tips and articles and blog posts. i come up with a plan and believe wholeheartedly that the next time i move it will be different. it will be better. it won't be miserable. yet, no matter how much i plan or prepare, moving sucks. there is just no other way around it. it always come down to the last minute and you start giving stuff away or tossing it in the nearest dumpster. you. just. don't. care. am i right?

that is how summer is to me. i begin to dread summer after surviving a week of spring break. so i plan. i research. i pin. i prepare. summer comes and i am hopeful. i believe wholeheartedly that this summer will be different. i will make a summer bucket list. we will play outside. we will craft each day. we will have a summer schedule and keep to it. we will have quiet alone time to read and relax. and then summer comes. and my people are still the same people they always are--crazy busy. in the middle of all the meltdowns and frustrations, i realize that they are beyond my help. they need professional help. and i find myself crawling across the finish line and breathing a sign of relief when i walk them into school on that first day. we survived. summer sucks. but thankfully it's behind me.

i have no words of wisdom for you. just hoping someone else out there will raise a glass to me in agreement. you survived, too.

(p.s. i am so exhausted from summer that i have resulted in typing in lowercase. heaven help.)