Episode 22: Joni Lay

Joni Lay from the blog Lay Baby Lay joins me for Episode 22. I bet if you go to your Pinterest boards, you will find images from her blog. Her images are all over my Inspiration boards. It wasn't until after we had become friends, that I realized how amazingly talented she is. 

She is married to Chip and is a mom of 3 young girls. I loved hearing her advice about how to create a joy-filled home. We talk about design, working while being a mom, and challenges in motherhood. We have a special guest with us on the show--her youngest daughter, Ellie. You will hear her coo throughout the show. So be warned of her cuteness. Your heart will flutter.

Links mentioned: 

Survival Kit:

  • Harry Potter - comfort reading
  • Wearing pants that zip
  • Showering at night

Connect with Joni: Website // Instagram // Twitter // Facebook // Pinterest

Joni is seriously one of the kindest, most content and joyful women I know. She has learned the secret of finding joy in the moment. And not only does that come through relationally but it comes out in her home, too. There were two things that I really resonated with that she talked. One is that no matter what stage of life you are in, you can and will continue to grow as a creative. You don't have to do everything right now. You have time. Just do what you can right now for this season. I think that advice is very freeing. And secondly, I love her advice for your home. What story do you want your home to tell? Maybe we should each find a few minutes to think about that. Let that answer direct how you create spaces.

If you haven't already jumped over to laybabylay, you should! You will definitely see some eye candy. Joni is so sweet and we are going to be doing a giveaway this week over on Instagram. So be sure to come follow me @sarahwbragg so that you can find the details for that. You don't want to miss it!

Lastly, I'm booking speaking engagements for fall 2016 so if you have an event and you would like for me to come, just fill out the contact form. Thank you so much for listening and sharing the show!! I look forward to being apart of your week. And I hope that this show helps you survive a little easier. 

Episode 21: Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas joins me for Episode 21. She is a wife, mom of 2 kids, nurse and Podcaster. You may have heard her on iTunes on her Moms Struggling Well Show. That is how I found her and she has become a good friend even though we've never met in person. She is so real and funny. I love that she is not afraid to be honest about herself. And I think that is what draws people to her.

I asked Emily to come on the show to tell her story because she has faced almost all the things that we as women fear. She has faced abuse, divorce, infertility and infidelity at different points in her life. And I wanted her to share with you to see that fear doesn't have to ruin you and God can use you no matter what you face

Survival Kit:

Connect with Emily: Website // Instagram // Facebook // Twitter // Podcast

I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Emily. If you are facing or have faced any of the fears that she faced, may you be encouraged. You aren't alone. Things are forgiveable. And God can and will use you. 

The biggest takeaway for me was to love myself and my kids. To take notice of the good in myself and in my kids. I want to look for the good and speak it over myself and my kids. Thank you for listening. I love spending part of your day with you.

I wanted to let you know that I am currently booking speaking engagements for the fall of 2016. I would love to chat with you about your event. Simply fill out the contact form here. Thank you again for listening and as always, I hope that this show helps you survive a little easier today.

Friday Finds

I think about Friday Finds ALL. THE. TIME. Maybe its because every time I stumble across something, I immediately want to share it with you guys. I have all the thoughts in my head but I have been slow on posting my finds lately. Just life. No other excuse.

Do you guys read The Inspired Room blog? I have loved it for a long time, and Melissa just released a hardback coffee table book. This would make a great gift for the woman that loves to decorate.

I am loving podcasts these days. If you have an iPhone, you had a handy little podcast app–use it!! Check out Off Camera with Sam Jones – featuring Connie Britton and The latest episode of The Podcast with Knox & Jamie. It’s their Christmas episode and there is a specific part on December card newsletters that you will want to hear!

We all need a good laugh and I shared this with my buddies the other night: the shark’s house

This little combo has been my favorite outfit lately: gingham + fur


shirt: similar     fur vest: similar

This recipe of chicken and rice soup has been on my Pinterest board for years, and I finally got around to try it. It does not disappoint! Simple and easy ingredients. Perfect for cool winter days.


I loved reading about Flower Patch Farmgirl on how they do Christmas. This is such a refreshing view.

This fall, I experienced Jen Hatmaker’s 7 Bible study with a few girlfriends. And in it, I discovered the organization, Kiva, which is micro lending organization. Scott and I are in the middle of looking for someone to be our dream in our new endeavor so we said, “We should be apart of making someone else’s dream come true.” So, we are supporting a woman in Cambodia with her small business. This is a great way to empower women. Please check it out.

My friend, Emily, shared this video the other night and we all had tears and full hearts. I think I need to do this with my girls.

My besties got together the other night and did a little “favorite thing” gift exachange. The price limit was $5. I gave my favorite beauty find of 2015 which you can find here. One friend gave delicious dark chocolate infused with oranges. Another the cutest little “B” wine topper. And the other friend this adorable bitty bottle of champagne.

Merry Christmas!

*I’ve added amazon affiliate links. If you decide to purchase, please so so through my links. It’s an easy to support me. Thank you!*