Episode 11: Lindsay Tarquinio

Lindsay Tarquinio of LUO joins me for episode 11 of the Surviving Sarah podcast. Lindsay is a wife of a former Atlanta Falcons football player, new mom, interior designer, private chef and the co-founder of an organization called LUO which exists to set children free from poverty. 

Something unique about Lindsay's story is that she discovered her passion at a young age and even traveled to Africa alone. From there, she and Gavin (her now husband), relentlessly pursued setting kids free from the cycle of poverty. She didn't allow her age to deter her. We talk about how LUO started, who her biggest influence was and what its like to live in NYC.

Lindsay's Survival Kit:

  • Cooking - to her, cooking is like therapy. Her favorite thing to do is grocery shop and then come home to figure out what she can create from what she bought.
  • Little indulgences - for her, there is a local foot massage place where she goes every weekend. For only $25, she is able to escape and unwind.

Connect with Lindsay: LUO // Instagram 

There are so many great ways to get involved with LUO. I hope you will take some time and connect with Lindsay and LUO and see if you can help support their efforts. No matter who you are, your stage of life or your circumstances, God wants to use you to make a difference.

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